Bluehost Terms of Service

Domain Name Dispute Policy

  • Bluehost is not responsible for resolving any domain disputes. If you have a complaint about ownership or wording of a domain name, please contact the domain name owner directly, or file a court proceeding or complaint pursuant to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (“UDRP”). The Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which governs generic top-level domain names, does not authorize domain registrars to arbitrate domain name disputes. The UDRP is a method for resolving domain disputes relating to abusive domain registrations (for example, cybersquatting or trademark infringement). Please refer to for more information.
  • Please note that if you have a complaint about a country code top-level domain (“ccTLD”), different domain dispute policies may apply based on the ccTLD. Please consult the appendix of the Domain Registration Agreement for the applicable ccTLD.
  • If you have a complaint about content on a website hosted by us, please contact us at

This file was last modified: August 27, 2019